Course Description: This AP Statistics course will highlight topics from the four basic content areas for new teachers as well as provide enrichment activities for experienced teachers. The workshop is designed to be flexible enough to focus on the needs of all registered participants. You can count on fun, information, classroom lessons, and strategies to meet your students’ needs.
Topics of the course include
- Strategies to build your AP program
- Higher level thinking skills required for students’ success
- Experimental design
- Descriptive statistics
- Probability
- Inference
- Course calendars and pacing
- College Board website materials
- Exam grading and rubrics
- Statistics labs designed to enrich the content and add the fun
Participants should bring a TI-84+ or similar calculator, school calendar, and possibly a laptop to gain the maximum benefit from the institute. Experienced teachers should bring a list of topics they wish to enrich or improve in their classrooms. New teachers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the course and exam description and their textbook.