African American Studies – Jennifer Showalter

Jennifer Showalter has taught African American Literature at Lewis and Clark High School in Spokane, WA since 2018 as a certified “College in the Classroom” instructor through Eastern Washington University.  Among the first group of teachers to pilot the AP African American Studies class, Jennifer trained at the Howard University APSI in 2022 and attended the Smithsonian Museum’s gala celebrating the inauguration of the course in 2023.   A certified College Board Consultant since 2023, Jennifer served as a Reader for AP African American Studies Pilot Year 1 in 2023 and as an early reader for Pilot Year 2 in 2024.  Jennifer also participated in the Zinn Institute’s Teaching for Black Lives study group with teachers locally and around the country in 2023-2024.  Having attended multiple AP Institutes in English Literature, English Language, and AP Art History, Jennifer’s highlight was attending the 2019 College Board A Dream Deferred: The Future of African American Education Conference in Los Angeles, CA.

Jennifer earned a BA Degree in English from Washington State University and an MA in English literature from Eastern Washington University. She is certified to teach secondary ELA, social studies, and journalism, and has taught all levels of high school English as well as AP Art History and journalism.