Pre Work:
Please complete the APAD Course and Exam Description exercise. This should be completed PRIOR to our first meeting. As you read the CED and answer the guided questions, please think about how the information will be used in your classes. Prepare specific questions you would like answered, so I attempt to provide the support as you need. If you do not do the prework, you will still learn from the others in class, it will not be as targeted to your needs.
Day 1 7:30 – 11:30 Synchronous Meeting Time
7.30 – 8.00 Introductions (approx. 30 minutes)
8.00 – 9.30 Amended AP powerpoint
CED Scavenger Hunt (approx. 60 – 90 minutes)
9:30 – 10.00 Writing a Guiding Question,
Creating a Guiding Question (FAEA).pptx
10.00 – 10.50 Development of Guiding Questions – teachers will have time to work on
Creating their guiding questions. (60 minutes)
10.50 – 11.30 Exploring the How and the Why – Group exercise – divide teachers in
Half – 15 minutes with how, and 15 minutes with why
11.30 – 12.30 Lunch
12:30 – 2:30 Asynchronous Work Time
2:30 – 3:30 Synchronous Wrap-up Time
Assessment of the Day’s Content
Discussion of Ideas, Question and Answer session, Concerns and
Best Practices Going Forth
Day 2 Synchronous Meeting Time
8.00 – 8.15 Breaking down the rubric
Breaking Down the AP Art and Design Rubrics (FAEA).pptx
8.15 – 8.40 Rubric coverage and practice,-1
Katie Video 7.36 – 27.14
8.45 – 9.20 SI practice
Row A
Row B
Row C
Ron D
9.25 – 10 Katie,-1
33.20 (5)
42.50 (2)
10 – 10.15 – break
Breaking Down the AP Art and Design Rubrics (FAEA).pptx
Documentation Page Examples
11.30 –12.30 lunch
12:30 – 2:30 Asynchronous Work Time
2:30 – 3:30 Synchronous Wrap-up Time
Assessment of the Day’s Content
Day 3 Synchronous Meeting Time
8.00 – 8.30 Overview of Resources
8.30 – 9.00 Sections / IPR
9.00 – 9.30 AP classroom
9.30 – 10.00 Course Audit
10.00 – 10.10 Break
10.10 – 10.40 Course Planning &unit=2
Instructional Planning Report
(Create powerpoint and video) – show how to create ind sections and
Access IPR – cover content
AP Community
Content Pacing, Planning / Pacing your Course
- Breakout into small groups and discuss the following:
- If you are currently teaching AP Art and Design, looking back at your current AP course, how have you addressed the Curricular Requirements? What would you have done differently? What would you have done differently overall in terms of pacing or structure?
- If you are new to AP Art and Design, based on the information shared and the Course and Exam Description, how do you plan to address the Curricular Requirements? How do you think you can leverage the CED to help with your course planning?
- Based on the discussion, complete the following on your own:
- If you are currently teaching AP Art and Design, look through the CED and select topics and Learning Objectives that you will need to cover for the remainder of the year. What do you need to prioritize? What adjustments do you have to make to your current pacing calendar?
- If you are new to AP Art and Design, look through the CED and take some time to think through how you will pace the course based on your school calendar. Start working on a broad outline of what you will need to consider for your AP course.
- Share out your tips and reflection with the larger group.
11.30-12.30 Lunch
12:30 – 2:30 Asynchronous Work Time
2:30 – 3:30 Synchronous Wrap-up Time
Review of Concepts, CED, Question and Answer session, Best
Day 4 7:30 – 8:00 Synchronous Meeting Time
8:00 – 11.30 Asynchronous Work Time
12:30 – 3:30 Presentation of work and discussion, Wrap up
BREAKS: Breaks can be taken as personally needed but tentatively planned as 15 minute breaks at 10 and 2; with a lunch break of one hour at 11.30 – 12.30. These are the planned times, but times should be considered fluid due to the nature of the instruction or caliber of discussion at that moment.
EXPECTATIONS: To understand what we are asking of our students, you will complete a selection of completed works in a Sustained Investigation. You will devise an essential question, follow that question through a logical process of experimentation, reflection, and revision. You may select the portfolio of your choice and work with your own materials.
Everyone will be expected to create several documentation pages and four to six completed works. These works can be of varying sizes and materials. You will work on them independently each afternoon during our designated work times. Additional time outside of class might be needed to complete the work to your satisfaction.
This will provide you not just a deeper understanding of the process, but will give you exemplars of the process to show your students.
OPTIONAL: Create your syllabus for the Course Audit.