Agenda – African American Studies

AP AFAM Course Description: This workshop is designed for teachers of AP African American Studies.  We will focus on examining the diversity of African American experiences through the course’s direct encounters with authentic and varied sources. The workshop will demonstrate how students will explore key topics that extend from early African kingdoms to the ongoing challenges and achievements of the contemporary moment.  This interdisciplinary course foregrounds a study of the diversity of Black communities in the United States within the broader context of Africa and the African diaspora.  Our workshop will explore lessons proven to effectively teach the main skills required for success in the course: applying disciplinary knowledge, source analysis, and argumentation.

Because AP African American Studies students need many opportunities to discuss complex texts in multiple genres, participants will gain hands-on experience with evaluative and analytical reading approaches to historical documents, literary texts, music lyrics, works of art, material culture, maps, tables, charts, graphs, and surveys.  If available, we will conduct simulated readings of recent Free-Response exam questions and APAAS project essays to inform teaching and learning.  Please bring a laptop or tablet for immediate access to multiple digital resources.

Workshop Goals:

To identify and apply the standards of the AP African American Studies (APAAS) exam to classroom practices

To explore and develop effective APAAS units, lessons and syllabi

To expand participants’ repertoire of successful instructional strategies

To explore online resources such as AP Classroom and AP Daily (if available)

To develop a network of valuable colleagues

To promote the cross-disciplinary benefits of APAAS curriculum

Note – This agenda may be subject to change, based on the needs and preferences of the registered participants and possible changes to the Course and Exam Description from the College Board.  It will still meet the requirements of 30 contact hours and the guidelines of the APSI, regardless of any possible changes.

Day One
Understanding the Course Framework, Content, and Skills; Forming a Supportive and Collaborative Community
●      Introductions and community building
●      Equity and Access in AP
●      AP African American Studies course overview
●      Sample Unit 1 Lesson
●      Course Framework overview
●      Understanding Course Skills
●      Course Framework deep dive
●      Unit 1 Overview
●      Reflections

Day Two
Exam Format, Sample Questions, and Resources
●      AP Exam Content/Format: Multiple Choice and Free Response Question (FRQ) sections
●      Sample Free Response Questions and scoring
●      Unit 2 Overview and Resources
●      Sample Unit 2 Lesson
●      College Board Resources for teaching AP African American Studies
●      Reflections/ Questions

Day Three
Course Project, Assessments, and Pacing
●      Project overview and rubric
●      Unit 3 Overview
●      Sample Unit 3 Lesson
●      Formative and Summative Assessment
●      Best practices for planning your course
●      Creating your course pacing guide
●      Reflections/ Questions

Day Four
Lesson Planning and Collaboration
●      Community Reflections
●      Unit 4 Overview and Resources
●      Sample Unit 4 Lesson
●      Resource Sharing
●      Create a Unit lesson
●      Course and pacing planning work
●      Closing remarks and reflections