Understand the AP Course and Curriculum: The course framework defines the scope of the course and specifies what students must know and do to be successful on the AP Exam.
Plan the Course: Sequencing, pacing, and scaffolding are essential for building students’ understanding and their ability to transfer and apply knowledge and skills.
Teach the Course: Effective instructional strategies help students to develop a mastery of course content and skills over time.
Assess Student Progress and Understanding by Using the on-line AP Classroom: Learning requires time, practice, and regular feedback.
Prepare Your Students for the AP Exam: an in-depth analysis of the 2022 AP Exam presented by AP Consultants who score the AP Exams – Readers, AP Consultants who are Table Leaders and Question Leaders for the AP Exams and AP Consultants who develop and write AP Exam Questions. College Board approved student samples are analyzed. AP Teachers experience how the work of students are scored.
Increase Your Subject Matter Content Knowledge: Everyone benefits from a discussion of difficult topics and procedures associated with your subject area.
Network: Meet teachers who will be your colleagues for years to come.
- Learn from a Mentor: Your AP workshop leader will be your mentor, guide, and cheerleader during and after the APSI.
- Earn College Credit: College credits are offered by NNU (Northwest Nazarene University, Nampa, Idaho) and cost is $120 for 2 credits. Teachers need to write a three-page essay on what was learned at the APSI and how what was learned will be applied to a lesson.
Teachers receive a “Certificate” of completion for 30 hours of professional development from the College Board upon completion of the course.
Graduate College credit (2 credits) is available from NNU for an additional fee.
Relatively new curricula (2023-24) for Psychology, Physics 1, Physics 2, Physics C Electricity & Magnetism and Mechanics
Relatively new courses: AP Precalculus and African American Studies
Collaborations with Colleagues
Teachers who attend this AP Summer Institute should be able to: