Agenda – Statistics

AP Statistics Summer Institute 2024

Course Information

Juan Gomez,


Course Description

This AP Statistics Summer Institute will allow you to build on your current understanding of the AP Statistics course and exam. During the Institute we will learn and use strategies and activities to help engage students with statistics in a way that will help them master the concepts and skills in the AP Statistics Course and Exam Description (CED). We will review resources to help guide your instruction, materials to help you build meaningful assessments, and provide some insights into how to help prepare your students for the AP exam- including the use of the resources found on AP Classroom.  Time will be allotted to discussing course planning and organization, how to recruit students in a way that promotes diversity and inclusion, the AP Audit, and use of technology.


Course Objectives

  1. Build on existing understanding of statistical concepts and methods as described in the AP Statistics Course and Exam Description (CED).
  2. Work on course planning to help promote equity, access, diversity, and inclusion given the unique circumstances of your school situation.
  3. Analyze impactful instructional strategies and assessment resources for AP Statistics.
  4. Learn how AP Classroom resources can help you provide feedback to students as well as serve as aids in course instruction.
  5. Build a network of other caring educators using the AP Community


Topics to be covered during the course

  • Overview of AP Statistics Course and Exam Description (CED)
  • Course Planning
  • Unit 1: Exploring One- Variable Data (including some time to work through multiple choice(MC) and free response questions(FRQ) and rubrics)
  • Unit 2: Exploring Two-Variable Data (highlighting the use of AP Classroom as well as MC and FRQ type questions
  • Unit 3: Collecting Data ( with an emphasis on Experimental Design)
  • Unit 4: Probability, Random Variables, and Probability Distributions (with some time devoted to finding resources that help students unpack these ideas)
  • Unit 5: Sampling Distributions ( focus on FRQ and visualizing confidence intervals)
  • Unit 6: Inference about Categorical Data: Proportions*
  • Unit 7: Inference about Quantitative Data: Means*
  • Unit 8: Inference for Categorical Data: Chi-Square*
  • Unit 9: Inference about Quantitative Data: Slopes*

* We will work through recently released FRQ questions for these units and practice grading student sample work.